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School Choice Open Enrollment

Stephenson High School

Dekalb County Schools

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AP Honor School
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Sonic Sound w/Mickey Mouse-Celebration Bowl
Track Boys Champions
Math Department
Track Community Service
Football Signing Day
Faculty and Staff

Upcoming Events

Latest News

Progress Reports & Transcripts
Progress Reports & Transcript Access:

4.5 - Week9/13/24
9 - Week10/25/24
13.5 - Week11/22/24
Report Card1/10/25

Report Cards and Transcripts are available on Infinite Campus. 

Transcript Request
Please click the appropriate Transcript Requests button below to request transcripts.


If You Are Registering From Another County/Out of State:
It will guide you through the registration process.
Once your Online Application is completed, please email the registrar ([email protected]) your application number. She will monitor your application.

If You Are Registering From Another DeKalb County School:
Click here to go to the Dekalb County School District's Current Student/Annual Verification page. Click on Current Student/Annual Verification Application.
Please upload :

1. Proof of Residency lease or mortgage statement & current utility bill (light, water, or gas)
2. Parent/Guardian ID 
3. Student's Birth Certificate. 

 Once this is completed it will notify the registrar and she will complete the registration/enrollment process.

Click HERE

Clubs & Sports
Clear Bag Policy
The Clear Bag Policy will be enforced at DCSD stadiums and gymnasiums.

Senior Pictures with Cady Studios
Click the logo to schedule your senior picture appointment with Cady studios.

Virtual Learning Support
Virtual Learning Icon
Need help with the Virtual Learning Tools?  
Call the Dekalb County School District Help Desk at 678-676-1188.

Infinite Campus
infinite campus 
Social Work Corner

Please see Flyer for important information.
For addition important information please click HERE.

Georgia Parent Health Survey
The Georgia Parent Survey was developed to measure parent perceptions of school climate at your child’s school. Your opinion is very important to us. Please click here to complete the survey. Thanks!

FY23 Title I Parent and Family Engagement...

Your continued participation in your scholar's education is important to us. Please help us to strengthen our partnership by taking a moment to complete the FY23 Title I Parent and Family Engagement Survey 
Click HERE to access the survey.

SHS Bus Routes


MAP Scores
MAP Scores are available in Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Please see the links below for access instructions.



Mission & Vision

The vision of the DeKalb County School District is to inspire our community of learners to achieve educational excellence. Our mission is to ensure student success, leading to higher education, work, and life-long learning. We are making this vision and mission a reality – every day, in every classroom throughout the District.

Through community forums, focus groups, listening sessions, and more, we have engaged our stakeholders, refined our objectives, honed our procedures, and formulated a robust, highly-structured yet agile and adaptive strategic plan. We are pleased with the progress we have made thus far, and excited about the future – of our District, our community, and, most importantly, the 100,000+ students who daily bring to us their limitless potential.

The District has created performance measures, targets, and initiatives to ensure success in each goal area. A monitoring and data collection process has been developed, and rigorous progress check procedures have been implemented. At the local level, on-going training sessions are offered to all principals in order to support the work of aligning, refining, monitoring, and evaluating the continuous improvement efforts of each individual school.

As a community of learners, we are committed to excellence in everything we do – within the classroom and throughout the District. This continuous improvement process permeates each aspect of our Strategic Plan, and we are honored to partner with you to make it a reality for all.